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Saturday, March 22, 2008

neon neon / stainless style / 2008

link removed
rating: One Million / 5.0

Lex Records got angry over the money they wouldn't make off the people who wouldn't of bought the album anyways

To Lex Records:

Please, don't insult me, asshats, you could of just asked like everyone else and we would of complied like we have so many times.


Shoganai said...

oh no, i'll have to go to soulseek to get it now :(

Unknown said...

From Lex ...

This is exactly what i wrote to you :

"Please remove this link immediately :


I don't know how you justify giving away a brand new album by indie artists on an indie label. You should probably re-examine that logic."

... that's not an insult.

Tom Brown

julez said...

Yeah that is an insult, the only justification needed is that we share music we like, some of us buy and some do not, we made sure we linked to YOUR page if we do buy and not to some third party middle man that would take part of the profits. Like I said before you didn't have to get personal about and could of just left it at "please remove said link" Your job isn't to find reasoning or insult us to find this so called missing logic. It's not like this won't be reposted on another blog, actually 2 that i've found. You're losing a downhill battle with us.